Thursday, 22 November 2012


I'm starting this blog not as a result of a frustration, nor a product of anxious understanding towards what could have been and what will be.

This merely arose from the idea that it has been quite some time since my fingers jogged through the keyboard. Back in college, there were a lot of this and essays, the dreaded essays, were my warm-ups, my in between digging of insights made available by my own experiences. Though there were chances of too much self-righteousness, it was a challenge to take a balance between the ego and the common. The ego tries to rule you out of your own bubble, while the common makes it pragmatic. People are often limited to their own idea of what is and what is not. I do not see any problem with that, except, and I merely say this as an anti-thesis, that their idea of a phenomenon is just taking things out of their own context.

See, this is what's wrong with getting the chance to write.

There is not enough discipline to start with.

The thoughts are mixed.

There is not a direction.

The purpose is vague.

The idea is rough.

But the act is exciting. It's a start of something magical. And I am being melodramatic here.

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